For this idea I wanted to try the line frame in a circle. I used my Colluzle to cut a circle one size in from the white circle I cut for my Little Lady ladybug. I stamped the ladybug and sentiment and then used a Zig Millenium pen .005 and traced around the smaller circle that I had laid in the center, careful not to hit the ladybug. I added the black dots the the ends of my frame to sort of fnish it off (plus it kinda goes with the ladybug spots.) I used a gel pen to highlight the ladybugs spots. I stamped the smallest flower from the set randomly in black on a Pure Poppy strip and added white gel pen to the centers and mounted the strip on the lower portion of my black card base. I offset my ladybug circle over that. (I love how this worked out.)

Before I realized my Millenium pen would do so well, I tried it with red. But I didn't like the uneveness. So then I decided to try the "messy on purpose" approach. Better but I still like the solid black line much more. :)

I made a few of them on round note cards to go along with the spots theme.