Here are the swaps I poromised ages ago. The first one Used SU's All in the Family. I used Soft Sky (In Colors) for my base stamped with Sanded Background in the matching ink, with a piece of the Designer Print Paper layered over a strip of Groovy Guava. I water-colored with matching inks. I used Groovy Guava ink "direct to paper" on the edges of my White cardstock, and to stamp "friend." To finish I added just a touch of Blue Bayou ribbon .
My halloween card used Autumn Apparitions(SU). I used the piercing tool to creat my "web" in the corner. The base card and ribbon are Apricot Appeal. The inner layer is Brocade Blue. "Boo" was stamped in white craft ink on a small strip of black. The spiders were stamped using marker to stamp to get just the spider an not the web trail.
My Christmas card used SU's
Naugty or Nice set. As you can tell I went to the Naughty side. I used Blush Blossom for the base. I custom cut the Real Red and stamped the snowflake with versamark over it. I punched the holes and taped down the sides. Then I laced it up with silver cord. Finally I used a black marker to color just the "Naughty" part of the sentiment.
1~ Use strong tape or glue and watch the tension on the cord.
2~Use an extra piece of cardstock to space your holes and use it as a quick template.
And Last, but not least the Fall card. I used the wheel that matches Autumn Apparitions. (I think It's called Autumn Leaves.) I wheeled it in Mellow Moss on White cardstock. I used the flower from Baroque Motifs(SU) to do the rock-n-roll technique with Apricot Appeal rolled in Groovy Guava. I stamped Fall on a piece of Apricot Appeal punched out with the word window. I trimmed on end of the punch and secured the other end woth a small gold brad. Then I attached it to the Handsome Hunter base card.
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