(And yes, I'm just now getting around to posting about it... Better late than never, right?) The plan was to have dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and then see the Fireworks.Well, the Hard Rock had a 3hr wait and was no longer taking names. So, we grabbed a slice at a pizza joint and by the time we were done the waterfront was looking pretty crowded already.So, we claimed our spot and waited...and waited, and waited... The Kids made friends with the kids in the group next to us, who invited them to share a seat on their Spiderman blanket. (Which was awesome, cause we totally forgot to take any chairs or blankets... Luckily, we did take the double stroller. The boys ended up standing on the flattened seats, with us holding on to them, to see over the crowd.)Finally, the Fireworks started. Kaitlan, (18 mos.) didn't cry at all. She just said "wow" over and over.It was Ethan who was the first one in our area to notice what the pink shaped firework was supposed to be."It's a Butterfly!" he screamed each time there was one.
There was one firework like we had never seen before. It exploded just like all the others. but as the lines faded away, it left string of multicolored twinkles that seemed to hover there before slowly floating down. Absolutely magical! (It turns out these strings of fireworks exploded out on tiny parachutes.) They were too cool!(and my picture just doesn't do them justice, but you get the idea.) Nashville sure puts on an awesome display.

" Parachutes"
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