Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long Time,.. No Blog

I haven't given up, I promise. Our computer overheated and blew. One day long long ago as I was walking by the computer area on the way to the laundry room I hear this weird "Pffft" sound from the direction of the computer. Over I go to check it out and it smells like burning rubber. (Not Good.) Hubby took it apart and did the trouble-shooting. (Turns out the fan died and the the board overheated.) And he ordered the new parts...
Today, it still sits in a new location in a different state. (Yes, he packed and moved it like that.)
We used a tiny laptop for a while but it had no way of uploading photos.
After staying with the in-laws (who were without computer or internet sevice of their own) for a few months and then finally getting an apartment and getting somewhat settled, the replacement computer is set up.
So, I guess I'll give this another go.

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